Where Are We Going?
In June 2020, after many months of prayer and disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, Foundations Church was able to relocate to the southeastern part of Williamsburg, close to the I-64/Penniman Rd. corridor. This is the heart of an under-served community with only a handful of vibrant gospel-centered churches — a community to which we have been called since we first began meeting publicly in September 2018.
Although our current home is Magruder Elementary School, our vision - since 2019 - has been to secure access to the former J.C. Penney Building at 500 Marquis Parkway — a building that would allow us to serve far greater numbers of children, youth and adults, not just on Sundays but throughout the week.
As we actively pursue the purchase of this building, our goal is to give our growing church family a sense of stability and permanence as we boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ among the 96% of Greater Williamsburg that have no regular church home.
Although our current home is Magruder Elementary School, our vision - since 2019 - has been to secure access to the former J.C. Penney Building at 500 Marquis Parkway — a building that would allow us to serve far greater numbers of children, youth and adults, not just on Sundays but throughout the week.
As we actively pursue the purchase of this building, our goal is to give our growing church family a sense of stability and permanence as we boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ among the 96% of Greater Williamsburg that have no regular church home.