From the very beginning, Foundations Church has made it a priority to seek God first in prayer. We are encouraging the church body to fast and to pray collectively over the next few weeks. Together, we will faithfully seek God, trusting in His power alone to create lasting impact in our lives, our church, and our nation. For daily encouragement, we hope you’ll enjoy tuning in to Pastor Michael and Bonni's daily devotionals posted here on this webpage, and on our Facebook Page. The devotionals will be posted Monday through Friday at noon. Also, please mark your calendars and plan to be with us for a very memorable night of Purim prayer and worship at the DoubleTree on Friday, February 26th.
What Should I Pray?
Please be praying for the necessary approvals for the JCPenney Building project, pray for the funds to move the project forward (8.5m, specifically), and pray for our nation.
Why Should I Fast?
“It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” - Matthew 4:4
Fasting is a way of physically denying the body in some way to open up our lives to reading the Word of God, and to tune in to what our Father God wants to speak and say to us. The Bible is full of examples of the power of fasting and prayer. In Judges 20, after facing terrible defeat, the Israelites fasted and asked God for guidance ahead of their next battle—which they won! In Daniel 10, Daniel fasted before receiving a vision from God. And in Matthew 4, before Jesus began His ministry, He fasted 40 days.
Fasting is a way of physically denying the body in some way to open up our lives to reading the Word of God, and to tune in to what our Father God wants to speak and say to us. The Bible is full of examples of the power of fasting and prayer. In Judges 20, after facing terrible defeat, the Israelites fasted and asked God for guidance ahead of their next battle—which they won! In Daniel 10, Daniel fasted before receiving a vision from God. And in Matthew 4, before Jesus began His ministry, He fasted 40 days.
How Should I Fast, & For How Long?
The best way to get started is to pray and ask the Lord for wisdom on how you should fast. Maybe you need to refrain from indulging in sweets, perhaps the Lord will ask you to take a break from social media, or turn off the television... Once you’ve determined how you will fast, and for how long, stick to it, and watch how God moves in your life and in our church body! Questions? Email [email protected].